Going Plant-Based? 6 Things We Learned

If you are thinking about going plant-based or just curious about others that have, here are the 6 things we learned from our personal experience. - Davita and William

“But…how do you get your protein?”

[Pictured here is our home-made Beans & Super Grains Bowl (black beans, pinto beans, roasted corn, quinoa and bulgar wheat mix, pico-de-gallo and plant-based chipotle sauce)]

#1 We are not missing out on protein intake.  The myth that you can not get enough protein on a plant-based eating pattern is, well, a myth.  The daily recommended intake of protein for healthy adults is 10% to 35% of your total calorie needs. One gram of protein supplies 4 calories. A person that needs 2,000 calories in their diet per day,  could eat 100 grams of protein (or 400 calories from protein) which would supply 20% of their total daily calories.  While amino acids are found in animal sources such as meats, milk, fish, and eggs, “they are also found in plant sources such as soy, beans, legumes, nut butters, and some grains (such as wheat germ and quinoa). You do not need to eat animal products to get all the protein you need in your diet.” - Source: National Library of Medicine’s Medline Plus

#2 All meat alternatives are not created equal and there are more options now than in the past!

Paying attention to the nutrition facts label is still very important. We have tried several different alternative meat options (Beyond Burger, Impossible) and our personal preference is to stick with whole-food plant-based products over ultra-processed options, as we did not feel the need to emulate the texture of meat to enjoy the food.  However, it is noted that several restaurants offer plant-based meat alternatives and if you are dining out these are still great options.  Our personal choice: We found that we enjoy Dr. Praeger’s plant-based burger options over the others! 

#3 Know Your Nutrition Facts

Processed and ultra-processed plant-based foods and snacks exist, buyer beware!  Read the labels. It is still important to learn to read and understand nutrition facts labels.

#4 Going plant-based is not a diet, it is a lifestyle choice and a sustainable eating pattern. Diets are short-term and often fail.  A popular study has shown that diets do not work for the vast majority of people, lasting only about a year or so. Learning to incorporate healthy food choices into your daily living for the long-term is the key to a successful outcome.  In many cases, a support mechanism is needed for accountability, coaching and guidance along the way.

#5 We LOVE to eat and there are many ways to cook plant-based meals that are tasty and nutritious.

When the pandemic hit, we took our home-cooking skills to the next level and since then, have a preference to cook at home vs. dining out. 

In addition to the cost savings, cooking at home became an adventure - we have tried several different recipes from “around the world” and turned them into nutritious and delicious plant-based meals.  Some of our favorite creations were: Rainbow Roasted Veggie Pizza, Chickpeas with Almond-Milk Based Curry and Quinoa, Falafel and Super Grains Bowl, Spicy Portobello Mushroom Pasta with Garden Vegetables, Vegan Enchiladas with homemade Pico-de-Gallo, just to name a few!

#6 Our physical fitness and energy levels spiked significantly. We are 42 (Davita) and 40 (William) years old as of the date of the blog post and never felt younger! We enjoy HIIT exercises, strength training, cardio, endurance exercises, mountain biking, and recreational basketball. William (6 ft. tall) took on his own challenge to “Dunk at age 40” and through an intense jump work-out, he gained 5 inches on his vertical to get above the 10 ft rim! Overall our fitness levels and muscle tone improved greatly.

Whatever your goals are for going plant-based or wherever you are in your learning process, remember that it is your personal journey and to take it one intentional step at a time in order to sustain your lifestyle change for the long-term.

Learn more here: “What Is Plant-Based?”

Stay fit and green!

Davita & William


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