4 Ways Leaders Can Support Their Team’s Wellness

How does wellness play a role in leadership?

Leadership development is an essential mechanism to support effective leadership across an organization. There are excellent programs that provide skill improvements in communication, empathy, coaching, decision-making and employee engagement.

During the pandemic, leaders were at the front-lines dealing with challenges they never would have imagined. A spotlight was placed on what it means to be Human. Empathy. Leaders learned the importance of connecting with their team and employees in meaningful ways as many were dealing with external stressors of the highest levels.

Let’s take Human Leadership a step further.

As a working mother of two very active boys, taking care of myself (eating well, getting sleep, staying physically active) allowed me to be at my best for any situation that arose.

And wow, were there many situations!

When we take care ourselves we are setting up our bodies and minds to take care of others better.

Think about the last time you felt at your best inside and out and had the ability to be “present” for your team (or your family!).

What did you do to be at your best?

As a leader, how can you also encourage, support and show empathy towards your team’s well-being?

Below are 4 Ways Leaders Can Support Their Team’s Wellness:

Lead by example. Take care of yourself so that you can be healthy and present for your team.

  • Eat nutrient-rich foods that nourish your brain.  Blueberries, walnuts, dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, kale, whole grains such as oatmeal and bulgar wheat.

  • Get enough sleep. Without adequate sleep, we disrupt our emotional and cognitive abilities.

  • Avoid turning pressure into stress. The Yerkes-Dodson law states that “there is an empirical relationship between stress and performance, and that there is an optimal level of stress corresponding to an optimal level of performance”. Be wary of applying un-productive pressure which can translate into stress.

  • Start your morning with a healthy breakfast and light exercise.  The benefits of starting your day right allows you to manage and coach your team with a clear mind.

Honor your team’s individual time in their calendar for well-being activities during the day.  Perhaps they have a recurring 30 min break in their day for taking a walk, or working out, meditation, etc.  Be conscious of those breaks when possible and honor them.

Avoid being "available always” anytime.  Being always available on nights and/or weekends, emailing or instant messaging your team during off-hours sets a standard that your team must always be on.  Encourage and promote boundaries between work and personal life.

Accommodate for healthy eating patterns.

When hosting events or team gatherings, be conscious and aware to include healthy options or select venues that provide a variety of food to accommodate and promote healthy eating patterns.

This is very similar to planning an event and being aware of dietary preferences.

In the era of “quiet quitting”, burn-out, and imbalance between work and life - it will be important to think outside of the traditional ways of leadership and focus on how a healthy body and mindset play a critical role in employee engagement.

After all, we are all, Human.

Challenge: During your next leadership strategy session, consider a discussion about the connection between wellness and leadership and what steps you can take to support your team’s wellness.

Stay fit and green!


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