Meet Davita

  • Davita has 20+ years experience in corporate roles including client relationship, business sales and leadership at companies such as Gartner, ADP and Bloomberg BNA. Davita decided to use her talents and energy towards helping others to gain a fresh perspective on building the life they desire to lead.

    During her time managing a demanding career and home-life, Davita learned the importance of personal wellbeing in the workplace as it relates to both nutrition and fitness.

    Her own journey began in the year 2001, when she decided to become a vegetarian. Through years of trying to maintain a healthy eating pattern, she experienced optimal results when she was most intentional about her nutritional intake. She made the decision in 2020 at age 40 to become plant-based and spent time educating herself on the benefits. She greatly improved her fitness, energy level and health outlook.

    Davita took her education to the next level in 2022 and is now a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Consultant.

    She created the Fit & Green Wellness Blog to provide a unique perspective, consulting and guidance on holistic nutrition, fitness and wellbeing in the workplace.