Empowering Your Body + Mind for Life.

Davita Cooper Davita Cooper

Eating Healthy and Staying Fit on Vacation

Have you ever returned from vacation and felt like you needed another vacation right away? Going on vacation should be a time to refresh and re-energize. An escape from busy life. For some, returning from vacation can feel like it never happened - exhaustion, fatigue and the effects of travel stress set in shortly after arriving home.

If you’re trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle while on vacation and find it difficult, you may just give up and “binge” in the spirit of having fun. In this blog post, we share tips on how to have fun, maintain your healthy lifestyle on vacation and return home feeling more energized than when you left!

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RISE & LIFT: Simple Tips When You Feel “Blah”

“BLAH”: That feeling of languish, apathy, lethargy, low energy, hopelessness, lack of motivation. Even with the best intentions of taking care of ourselves daily, we can experience that feeling of “blah” from time to time. In this post I created “RISE & LIFT”, a list with 8 simple tips to help you take flight!

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New Year, S.M.A.R.T Goals

It's a New Year! This is a popular time of the year for goal-setting in our professional lives and many of you are familiar with S.M.A.R.T Goals. What about your personal life and well-being?

In this blog post, you will learn how to use the S.M.A.R.T Goal methodology for your personal life when setting your lifestyle goals.

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