Empowering Your Body + Mind for Life.

Leadership, Wellness, Holistic Lifestyle Davita Cooper Leadership, Wellness, Holistic Lifestyle Davita Cooper

4 Ways Leaders Can Support Their Team’s Wellness

How does wellness play a role in leadership?

Leadership development is an essential mechanism to support effective leadership across an organization. There are excellent programs that provide skill improvements in communication, empathy, coaching, decision-making and employee engagement.

During the pandemic, leaders were at the front-lines dealing with challenges they never would have imagined. A spotlight was placed on what it means to be Human. Empathy. Leaders learned the importance of connecting with their team and employees in meaningful ways as many were dealing with external stressors of the highest levels.

In this blog post, we share 4 ways leaders can support their team’s wellness.

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Invest In Your Wellness For Your Future

During the time period between graduating high school/college and retiring, there are 43 to 47 years of time on Earth. We fill up that time with achieving more “milestones” (perhaps getting married, children, pets, vacations, work achievements and promotions, acquiring and accumulating material items).

What if we could spend those 43 to 47 years intentionally focusing on wellness (nutrition, physical activity and mindset) and making conscious choices in our decisions surrounding our well-being?

Investing time and attention to your health and wellness is equally as important as investing in your financial future.

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Business Travel Guide To Wellness

In our culture we idolize being busy. Almost too busy to take care of our nutrition and fitness needs while wanting to be more productive in our professional life.

In the workplace, eating healthy and staying fit is sometimes a challenge when we have to travel, or race from one meeting to the next, take back-to-back phone calls and prepare for the next day.

In this post we share 6 ways to incorporate healthy eating and fitness into your work-life.

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Space Invaders: Eliminating Stress From Your Life

Visualize this: you jump into the “Space Invaders” video game. The aliens in the game are the external stressors of your life, barreling down towards you. Your quest is to eliminate as many as you can.

How would you do it?

In this blog post we help you discover ways to make space and time in your life to focus on your nutrition, physical activity and wellness to eliminate stress.

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