Empowering Your Body + Mind for Life.

5 Ways to Reduce Stress with Gardening and Houseplants

Engaging in gardening and tending to houseplants can have numerous stress-reducing benefits as well as provide you with the opportunity to grow and include more nutritious whole food plants into your diet. In this blog I share 5 ways in which gardening and caring for houseplants can help to reduce stress while providing nutrient-dense foods!

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Space Invaders: Eliminating Stress From Your Life

Visualize this: you jump into the “Space Invaders” video game. The aliens in the game are the external stressors of your life, barreling down towards you. Your quest is to eliminate as many as you can.

How would you do it?

In this blog post we help you discover ways to make space and time in your life to focus on your nutrition, physical activity and wellness to eliminate stress.

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