Manage Stress: R.E.S.T Daily

Stress Management. The phrase itself has a heavy connotation: to deal with or to control stress. A responsibility. When life gets complex and expectations are piling up, we go into “flight or fight” mode. Survival. External stress factors out of our control creep into our inner being and we end up “stressed out” trying to defend our calm state of mind.

There is no shortage of advice and guidance available to manage stress - some excellent techniques and psychological methodology. However, in a complicated world we could use a little more simplicity.

Below is simple way to manage stress using what I call “R.E.S.T” Daily.

Practice it intentionally each day and stay present in the moment.

R.E.S.T Daily

Relaxation techniques

Eat nutrient-dense foods

Sleep well

Take care of your body (physical activity)

Relaxation Techniques

  • Meditation

  • Focused deep breathing

  • Mindfulness and staying in the present moment, centering yourself

  • Music or art therapy

  • Yoga

Eat Nutrient-Dense Foods

Some examples are:

  • Blueberries (and blackberries!) contain antioxidants and vitamin C, great for a healthy brain and mood.

  • Sweet potatoes are a top source of vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), vitamin C, B6, potassium and fiber. Packed with stress-lowering benefits and nutrients.

  • Oatmeal is a great heart healthy food and a complex carbohydrate source, a “feel-good” food.

  • Leafy greens are packed with calcium, iron, vitamin B and C. Nourishing to your mind and well-being.

    *For more nutrient-dense plant-based food ideas, download a complimentary copy of “Plant-Based for 1-Day”

Sleep Well

Get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Put away the digital screens at least an hour before bed. Use deep breathing techniques to get into a state of calm. Sleep is important to recharge your body and your brain.

Take Care of Your Body

(Physical Activity)

Get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity per day in the form of brisk walking, jogging, etc. (5 days week) combined with at least 2 days of strength building activity (back and bicep, shoulders, legs, abdomen, chest and triceps). The benefits of staying active are endless: more energy, less stress and anxiety, improved sleep and increased quality of life.

Read “Why Does Fitness Matter?”

Stay fit and green! And… R.E.S.T.!


“Making Big Moves” Reflections on the 2022 TEHNS Summit (Technology, Education, Health, Nutrition and Sustainability)


The Life-Long Learner and Wellness