We Practiced Yoga Daily for One Week and…

What happened when we took a break from our daily strength-training workout routine and practiced yoga every day for one week?

Over a week ago, we were feeling “tight” from our daily strength-training workout routine (especially during the cold winter months here in the Mid-Atlantic!).

We follow the schedule below:

  • Day 1: Legs

  • Day 2: Abs / Core

  • Day 3: Back and Biceps

  • Day 4: Abs / Core

  • Day 5: Chest and Triceps

  • Day 6: Rest, Restore and Relax Day

  • Day 7: Shoulders

We wanted to enhance our strengthening exercises by adding more flexibility and mobility, aside from our current stretching and warm-up process.

Yoga was not a part of our daily workout routine, it was a relaxation technique when needed.

However, we decided to explore how our bodies would feel if we paused the daily strength-training routine, practiced yoga daily for one week, then slowly add the strength-training routine back in along with practicing yoga, every day.


The Benefits of Daily Yoga: Our Learnings

We recommend checking out Yoga with Adriene! She is an excellent Yoga Instructor with great videos for all levels including beginners. We practiced with her 20-minute Morning Flow and a 10-minute version during a busy day!

Here’s how we felt after 1 week:

  • Improved focus during the day

  • Improved breathing

  • Flexibility returned, no more tightness!

  • Core muscles were awakened

  • Energetic

  • Calm and peaceful

  • Better mobility

  • Vibrant and awake (especially during a cold, rainy winter day!)

We added our workout routine in slowly and noticed an improvement immediately:

  • Our stretches became deeper

  • The strength workout had better flow because our muscles were more warmed-up

  • Improvements in our breathing technique allowed us to hold weight with our muscles longer

When sustaining a healthy lifestyle, incorporating new and different modes of physical activity and fitness techniques keeps you motivated on the goal (and it’s fun!).

Just like you, we are always looking for ways to continue to improve how we feel!

If you are new to practicing yoga, you will welcome a new way of learning how to be present, notice how you feel, set the intention for your day, quiet your mind, and improve your body’s fitness and flexibility.


Nourish Your Heart


New Year, S.M.A.R.T Goals